Through the generous donation of Gary and Laurie Mills, their 1928 Ford Model A 4-Door Phaeton will be used in this year's sweepstakes. Their request was that the proceeds be used to fund the expansion of the Ford Model A Museum on the grounds of the Gilmore Car Museum in Hickory Corners, Michigan.
The 1928 Ford Model A 4-Door Phaeton highlights:
Entering in the sweepstakes not only benefits the Model A Ford Museum, you are entered to win this amazing car!
The Model A Ford Foundation, Inc. (MAFFI) seeks to preserve Model A Fords and related artifacts and memorabilia, encourage research, and educate present and future generations about the Model A Ford and its era.
Every year a special Model A Day celebration is held on the third weekend of September. You are encouraged to attend the two day Model A only event, because all funds collected at the Gilmore Museum’s gate that day are given to MAFFI to support the foundation and the Model A Ford Museum.
By entering this Sweepstakes, you are becoming a part of a broader plan to help the Model A Museum expand.
You may also support the Model A Museum through Membership in MAFFI, and all donations and bequests are welcome and much appreciated.